Sunday, May 1, 2011

VGA Input on LCD TV Displays "Not Supported"

Personally I am not someone who enjoys watching videos on a 15" laptop screen when I'm in the same room with a 42" LCD Television. Periodically when at our friends house we would opt to watch something online and we were reduced to huddling around a coffee table then bobbing and weaving in order to figure out optimal display angles since chances were viewing would be hard for at least someone. I have hooked computers into lcd televisions on numberous occassions including our laptop-video-watching friends, however for some reason when I plug the VGA cable into their television and send the video output to the television as a display, it read on the TV "Not Supported!". Now I know the TV must support VGA since it has the input, so the next step was figuring out what in particular was keeping it from working. I will list the troubleshooting methods just so if you need to follow the me step for step (who knows why) you can give it a whirl (otherwise skip to #6).

1. Flip VGA cable ends - FAIL
2. Try different VGA cable - FAIL
3. Yell at the TV threateningly - Feels good, FAIL
4. Install up-to-date video driver - This is in part something necessary
5. Raise display output from my recommended "1280 x 800" - FAIL
6. Lower the display output down to  "800 x 600" - VICTORY!!!!

Where it says "If your resolution is below 1024 x 768, some items may not fit on the screen" this is true. When switching to the low resolution setting the output on the computers monitor is very pixelated and does not fit everything on the screen. The output should now show correctly on the TV. Hope this helps you! 

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